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How packaging can help your brand stand out

Date29 January 2021

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Your client enters a department store. The shelves are stocked with quality products from different brands. How will your client choose which one to buy? In such a situation, packaging plays a significant role in the decision-making process.

What importance does your packaging have? How do you stand out from your competitors? What is the ideal solution for your brand? This article answers those three questions.


What Importance Does Packaging Have?


Packaging is what makes your product stand out from the others.

The packaging label is the first factor the consumer notices, and it will either encourage or discourage their purchase. Clients need to make a visual connection with your product.

Faced with such a decision, a client will look and read the product tag in order to make an informed decision. The tag contains vital product information; instructions, ingredients, origins, warnings, etc.


How Can Packaging Make Your Brand Stand Out


When it comes to packaging, various aspects can add value to your product.

  • Colour | Colour can evoke emotion from and make connections with your consumer. Ask yourself, “What adjectives describe my product?” “What reaction do I want from my consumers?” and “Who is my target consumer?”. Colour psychology is not an exact science. However, it can guide you in which colours tend to evoke which emotions. Here is a basic rundown:
    • Red | Energy, passion, strength & power.
    • Orange | Comfort, confidence, friendship, happiness, security & warmth.
    • Yellow | Joy, creativity, optimism & intelligence.
    • Green | Fresh, health, hope, nature, peace & prosperity.
    • Blue | Efficiency, loyalty, weakness, serenity & security.
    • Violet | Imagination, luxury, spirituality & wisdom.
    • Magenta | Creativity, innovation & transformation.
    • Brown | Authenticity, down to earth, nature, reliable & serious.
    • Black | Authority, elegance, strength, refinement & tenacity.
    • Grey | Intelligence, neutrality, reliability & timeless.
    • White | Prosperity, fresh, honest, peace, pure & simplicity.
  • Design | In addition to the colour, graphics, characteristics and aesthetics are crucial elements of your labels. Aim for something unique, creating a distinctive design. Your label and packaging should be quality, professional, pleasing to the eye and easy to read.
  • White Space | White space is not necessarily white. Instead, it refers to the area where there is neither text nor images. Your brand name, product name, and tag line will gain more traction when surrounded by a generous amount of white space on a label. When a label is too cluttered with text and imaging, it can detract your ideal consumer from buying your product. On the other hand, when you have ample white space, your principal design elements and key text will draw in your client and subconsciously urge them to purchase your product.


What’s the Ideal Solution for Labeling?


Multi-Action is your ideal solution for product labels. Our creative team is at your disposal from conception to packaging.

Our HP Indigo 6900 printer offers our clientele outstanding results. This high-quality printer offers incomparable advantages when it comes to your labels.

  • Variety of Finishes | The HP Indigo 6900 offers an extensive array of finishes on coated and uncoated paper, including synthetic, transparent, metallic, and coloured finishes.
  • Colour Precision | The HP Indigo printer delivers an exactitude that will not disappoint. It can reproduce 97% of colours from the Pantone chart. Auto-calibration means a precise and uniform result every single time.
  • Variety of Ink | Many inks are available for this printer. Metallic, fluorescent, invisible and fade-resistant inks are at your disposal.
  • Variety of Finishing | This printer provides our clients with ulterior design and finishing options. Dynamic colours and changes can be made with each print. Textured finishing, matte or glossy and “soft touch” finishing will bring your labelling to a new level
  • Fast Printing | This printer easily runs 130 feet per minute. It can also switch finishing without stopping the process.
  • Superior Quality Printing | This printer delivers exceptional quality printing even at top speed. Using a blanket cylinder uses direct contact to combine the image transfer and finish for a high-end result, regardless at what speed. Using this printing technique, the ink particles are melted onto the cylinder for a clean finish and then moves on to the finishing stage. The result is a high-resolution print with a perfect finish and texture.
  • Enhanced Printing Coverage | The HP Indigo printer provides generous coverage, up to 500% or more, without impacting the print quality and at a reasonable cost.
  • Efficient Consumption | The HP Indigo 6900 was designed with minimal environmental impact in mind. It lasts longer, which means fewer replacements and, in turn, less waste. The HP Indigo 6900 works are certified by Intertek Green Leaf Mark. Its RIO system (Regenerated Imaging Oil) allows it to be self-sufficient in using imaging oil.


You Can Trust Multi-Action


Multi-Action’s team of professionals, along with specialized equipment, allows us to create and produce packaging that will help your products stand out.

With the HP Indigo 6900, we can custom create high-quality packaging and labels to bring your products to the next level.

Contact-us to team up with us on your projects. Together, we will develop the perfect packaging for your products.

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