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The importance of a wine bottle’s label.

Date19 August 2021


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You walk into an SAAQ and see aisle after aisle stocked with wine. Which do you choose? Whether or not you know your stuff when it comes to wine, the label can have a significant impact on your selection. How?




While the label doesn’t make or break the actual wine, it positively influences whether or not someone chooses to buy it.

The quality of the wine itself is based on taste and bouquet. This is what determines whether or not someone actually likes the wine. Once the bottle is sealed, and on the shelf, however, it’s the visuals that do the selling, aka the label. The label will create the customers’ first impression of the wine.

Different people are drawn to different labels.

A true connoisseur will stick to classic labels with clean lines adorned with a touch of gold or metallic finish. Bold and busy labels are considered cheap, according to wine enthusiasts.

Someone new to wine might be more compelled to choose a label that is modern, artistic or humorous. They might also be drawn to an engraved label, something black and white or a brand with a bit of a story.




The look of a label may appeal differently to customers, but there are some basic points that can make a wine look professional or not.

  • Water Resistant | The label should be high quality, conserving its shape and the print colours even when wet.
  • Clear and Legible | Base elements of the label, like the name, type of grape, vintage, and the percentage of alcohol, should be easy to see and read.
  • Correct Spelling | Typos on wine labels are more common than you would think. Make sure the labels are well written, denoting a high level of professionalism.
  • Technical Information | A good label contains detailed information on the marriage of grapes, fermentation, the ageing process, etc. The writing should include the information connoisseurs want to know without losing the interest of average shoppers. Deliver something of value to both educated and beginner customers.
  • Origin and Viniculture | Specifying the origin of the grapes and the name of the vineyard, as well as its experience in the domain, are essential pieces of information for those passionate about wine.

Consult the Bottle Labeling Guide set by the SAAQ to learn more about the exact requirements for labelling wine in Québec.



A person who is not knowledgeable about wine and wants to experiment will rely heavily on the label. The label will make or break the confidence the customer develops for the product.

The label can make people think that the wine is worth more than it really is. The choice of colours used can help a shopper gauge the taste and flavours of that wine. For example, red is often associated with fruity flavours, yellow for citrus or tropical hints, etc.




The label of a wine bottle will enormously impact the potential sale. It is thus crucial to create a professional label that truly reflects the image of your wine.

Multi-Action manufactures labels of all types. With our leading technology, our meticulous printing process and precise finishing, we can assure you a perfect finished product. Our design team is well-qualified and ready to help you create a label to showcase your product.

Contact us. We ready and able to set you apart from the competition!

Metallic labeled bottles

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