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How to choose your traceability labels?

Date16 January 2021

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Why Traceability Labels Are Important and Which One Is Best for Your Product


Traceability labels are useful in a varitety of industries; manufacturers, electronics, pharmaceuticals, medical or otherwise.

What is a traceability label? What advantages can a business expect from using them? How can you choose the right label for your product? We’ve got the answers.

What is a Traceability Label?


Traceability labels are similar to a digital finger print. There are no two alike. Ideal for products, the serial number – or traceability number – is written in number form, and a bar code.

Traceability labels have multiple uses for a business.

  • Tracks Inventory. Inventory is easy to keep track of when you can quickly scan a barcode. You know exactly what is in stock and it’s easy to see if anything goes missing.
  • Traces Delivery. From the manufacturer to the distributer, and even to the end client, you can track exactly where and how your product gets shipped and delivered.
  • Easy Guarantees, Returns, Reimbursments and Recalls. If a problem arises with your product, it’s easy to get all the needed details from the single label and deliver great customer service to your client.


What Advantages do Traceability Labels Bring to a Business?


Traceability labels bring a multitude of advantages. Here are a few.

  • Increases Efficiency. For businesses with a chain of production, a serial number scanned at each station allows you to execute better quality control. You will be able to see where, in the chain of production, problems arise and allows you to react and resolve in real time. Traceability labels make for easy optimization and efficient delivery.
  • Perfect for Customization. If your company creates custom products, the serial numbers allow you to quickly identitify which products are for which, clients with a simple scan of the label.
  • Avoid Shipping Errors. Do away with shipping errors. Thanks to the serial number on the label, you will have the exact destination address and packing list, making tracking and confirmation so much easier.
  • Provides Sales Statistics. Using traceability labels gives you access to a multitude of sales statistics, including which items are best sellers, and more.
  • Avoid Fraud. Traceability labels greatly reduce the chance of fraud. In the event that a client or distributer is looking to return an order, you can verify that the item is truly your product.
  • Provide Excellent Customer Service. A traceable serial number is a simple way to honour your products guarantee and provide a reimbursement if needed. If there is a recall, you will be able to track who has been notified. Not to mention, if a client calls with specific questions about their purchase you can provide the exact answers needed with ease.


How to Choose the Appropriate Label for Your Product?


With all the advantages it is no wonder why many companies choose to use a traceability system. How can you choose the right label for your products?

The team at Multi-Action is here to help guide you through the selection process.  Our experts have the specialised knowledge and experience to find you the best labeling for your needs. We will guide you each step of the way including the selection of your base material, adhesive and finish.

  • Size and Format. Determine the size of your label, which is dependent on the size of your product. The smaller the product, the smaller the label.
  • What material will you label be made from? Paper, carton, or otherwise?
  • The end product needs to be able to withstand environmental conditions, from manufacturing through the end of it’s use. Depending on the product, it may require a special finish to prevent dammage from humidity, time, UV rays, chemicals, etc.
  • Ensure the adhesive you choose is strong enough to remain securely on the product. Similar to the finish, the adhesive can be made to resist environmental conditions for as long as the product is in use.
  • Need more than the serial number on your labels? We make your labels custom to the unique needs of your business.
  • Would you prefer to print and stick your labels in house? No problem, we have the supplies you need.


Get the Most Out of Our HP Digital press


Multi Action has a new HP digital press, greatly increasing our printing capacities. We are equipped to take care of a variety of numbered printing needs. Whether you need serial number labels or even lift tickets for your ski hill, we’ve got you.

Don’t hesitate to contact us. We will be more than happy to help you create the best labels for your specific needs

Boxes with parcel tracking labels and information

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